特纳·尼尔自然历史博物馆 and 城堡内天文馆

The 特纳·尼尔自然历史博物馆 is located on the University of Arkansas 在蒙蒂塞洛校区. The 城堡内天文馆 is an integral component of the museum. 博物馆 displays a variety of natural history materials including invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, fossils, minerals, and plants. 的天文馆 sponsors presentations demonstrating the structure and diversity of the universe.


The museum is open by appointment during the academic year, Monday through Friday, from September through April. We welcome visitors to our museum, however, since the faculty responsible for the Museum also teach full time, there may be short periods during the day when the building 没有打开. For organized groups, such as school classes, we call 870-460-1016 提前安排参观博物馆的时间. 我们期待着见到你,希望你 你会经常参观博物馆和天文馆吗.


Dr. 埃德·培根,董事, bacon@sen35.com



在20世纪60年代末. Wallace Thomas of Dermott, then a member of the Arkansas Agriculture & Mechanical College Board of Trustees (now bc365游戏), provided the impetus for a natural 历史博物馆. Dr. Thomas felt such a museum would add support to the new Wildlife and Fisheries Program which he helped bc365游戏 obtain in 1971. Dr. 托马斯先生. 赫尔曼·斯蒂尔曼 博士和. Claud Ward were instrumental in the planning and development of the Museum. Mr. Turner 尼尔 of McGehee donated a collection of big game animals and 197 acres of land to the University, with the stipulation that the land be sold and the monies utilized for the construction of a museum of natural history. 在此期间,. 弗雷德 Johnson of Huttig donated his large collection of North American and African mammals 对bc365游戏. 博物馆 was named the 特纳·尼尔自然历史博物馆 in honor of Mr. 尼尔.

Construction was initiated in 1974 and the outer shell of the Museum was soon completed. Private contributions of funds and building materials from many parties as well as University aid of additional funds and labor have developed the Museum to its present 状态. 此外,已故先生的家人. 福代斯的阿尔伯特·加里森捐赠了 他把他的大型野生动物收藏送到了博物馆.

1977年. Joe Guenter applied for and received a National Science Foundation Grant 在博物馆建一个天文馆. 天文馆被命名为 城堡内天文馆 向先生致敬. 莱斯利·K. Pomeroy, a local amateur astronomer, who served many years 阿肯色A河 & M校董会. 天文馆是仅有的四个天文馆之一 in the 状态 and has been used extensively by students in our Astronomy classes and 公众也是如此.

Currently on display are the collections of North American and African big game animals, two 360 gallon aquariums of native and tropical fishes, archaeological materials, 矿物,以及各种动植物的展示. 博物馆内有澳门大学植物标本室 and bc365游戏 Collection of Vertebrates, which are used in teaching 和研究. 额外的 展览计划在未来进行.

The bc365游戏 Herbarium houses approximately 21,000 vascular plant specimens, the majority 来自阿肯色州南部和路易斯安那州北部. 其中包括316个具有历史意义的案例 Dwight Moore collections of Arkansas trees and grasses1 and more than 500 specimens from Warren Prairie, a local site and 状态 Natural Area comprising the largest saline soil prairie in the 状态. (至少有十种 vascular plants are known in Arkansas either exclusively or principally from within 它的边界.) The plant collections serve as an important resource for both teaching 和研究. The bc365游戏 Herbarium provides free to the general public identifications of native and cultivated plants, and an active specimen exchange program is maintained with more than a dozen institutions in the eastern and central United States.

The bc365游戏 Collection of Vertebrates in the 特纳·尼尔自然历史博物馆 contains an extensive collection of vertebrates for teaching 和研究. 的收集、 consisting primarily of Arkansas specimens, has been catalogued and computerized for 更方便地访问记录. Catalogued specimens to date include 1000 fishes, 1900 amphibians and reptiles, 80 birds and 50 sets of bird eggs, and 630 mammals. 一个学生 哺乳动物研究收集了110个标本. 脊椎动物标本是可用的 for loan to qualified research scientists at other institutions.

A vital component of any museum is the research and teaching collections it houses; 我们的也不例外. Specimens from the Museum's collections have been used in teaching General Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology, General Botany, Regional Flora, Ichthyology/Herpetology, Ornithology/Mammalogy, Natural 历史, Wildlife Ecology and Management, and Introductory 地球科学. 博物馆's displays and collections complement the education of students in all disciplines, but especially those in the sciences, forestry, and agriculture. 额外的ly, the collections serve faculty members and other visiting scientists engaged in research in areas such as the flora of Arkansas, plant taxonomy, vertebrate taxonomy, wildlife biology, timber management and site analysis, silviculture, dendrology, 杂草生物学.

The development of a museum is an ongoing endeavor. 实际上,博物馆永远不会完工 不应该是这样,因为它在不断变化. 我们正在增加新的自然历史 展示和改进旧的. 新的标本经常增加到花和 faunal collections, adding to their geographical coverage, historical significance, 以及科学价值.

Since opening in 1978 over 50,000 individuals have toured the facility. 博物馆 serves as an educational center for public school students, bc365游戏 classes, senior citizens, 童子军和4-H团体,以及公众. 博物馆是…的重要资源 the bc365游戏 Campus and provides the citizens of southeast Arkansas with an educational 机会,否则将无法获得.